
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Design your own time for classes

Pottery Classes: Design your own time. Classes need to be one to two weeks apart in order to get the firing done. Preferably 2 to 4 students per class.

Basic Intro Class $10.00 per child for the two sessions.
1 Make one small coil pot and one small pinch pot
2 Glaze those projects

Beads $10.00 per student -- about 45 minutes
Day 1 Make 5 to 10 beads
Day 2 Glaze those beads

Pocket Wall Hanger or Pie Plate Class $15.00 per student -- about 45 to 60 minutes.
Day 1 Make wall hanger or pie plate
Day 2 Glaze those projects

Simple Sculpting $10.00 per student -- about 45 minutes
Day 1 Make something
Day 2 Glaze it

Glaze our already made pieces---$5 to $20.00
Day 1 Glaze for an hour. (Paint the ornament, bowl, or other object.)

Intermediate Intro Class --- 60 minute classes ---- $30.00
Day 1 Make pinch pots and coil pots (3 projects)
Day 2 Glaze those projects
Day 3 Make slab projects
Day 4 Glaze those projects

Classes are for age 7 and up. We prefer to have a class of 3 to 4 students, if possible. Each project takes two firings in our kilns. Thus, the classes need to be a week apart at least. Flexible time frames: call us. Also schedule in a time for picking up your piece after it has been fired the second time.

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