Give Mom or Dad or grandparents a gift of time and creativity together. Family classes are great fun!
Family Memory Plaque:Each one in the family gets to create a square of a larger puzzle. You can make one large design, or each have an independent piece, creating a memorable event and something unique to hang on the wall.Mike's design was in porcelain, cracked in the bisque firing, and we said, Glaze Anyway! He's going to adhere it to a board to hang on the wall. First three families to do this will get the Discount Experimental Rate of $35.00.Call me for ideas and directions!
Mother's Day:Mom and daughter, or son, come to the studio to make a mini cream and sugar 'pinch pot' set.Think about design, color, embellishments to make a matching set. $15.00 per set. Call for further details.For another $5.00 add a little animal to the set!
Father's Day:Make animal sculpted pencil holders, or wall plaque. Work together on one if you like. Wall pockets can be embellished with any theme you like. Price dependent on size of project.
Pinch pots, slab and coil construction classes available, also.We practice with a bit of clay, discuss the construction methods, and begin a simple project. $15. per student for the two session class. All materials and firing included.
Family Bargain Class:For one hour, work on a 'mini' pinch cup for each person. Have a common inside color and different outside color for a family theme, if you like. Or each one could embellish the mini cup with something personal, a flower, a letter, a shape. $7. per person, but it will be limited in amount of clay and time spent in the shop. Two sessions. About 1/3 pound of clay each and an hour slot for creating and another for glazing.
Other ideas:
Birthday parties, women's groups, boy scouts, etc. can be discussed and arranged. I can have the hot water ready for tea and you can bring the crumpets. Jewelry classes in the near future, I hope!
Glaze class only:Booklets, make a few for gifts. $6. per set. Other items may be available.
This is the cutest when it has flowers in it. I'll have to take another photo to show you all! |
I plan the classes two weeks apart so as to have time for the drying and firing of the projects.
April 29 and May 13 at 10:30 available.
Mondays, May 2 and 16 are available.
Mondays, June 13 and 27 are fine also.
But if you need another option, just send me a note at
Thank You!